
Senseable Parent Coaching

Senseable Parent Coaching

Categories : Uncategorized

As adults, our senses provide us with vital information that we use to inform decision-making thousands of times a day. (www.goodstart.org.au/) Our senses play such a huge role in our daily lives and we often forget this or don’t think much about it. However, did you know that your sensory system can affect your relationships, parenting, and workplace? (sensoryintelligence.com)

Playwhizz helps you understand the ways your senses affect your emotions and family life for positive change in the long term using tips and strategies.

Sensory seeking or sensory avoiding

Our sensory systems mainly fall into two categories – sensory seeking or sensory avoiding. This is true for all our senses; smell & taste, visual, auditory, touch and movement. It is important to understand each of your own sensory systems because it affects so many areas of your life. We all have different sensory thresholds – some high, some low.

This means that we can take more, or less sensory input before becoming drained, irritable, or feeling stressed. We are bombarded by sensory input wherever we go – especially visual and auditory input. For example, 41% of people avoid crowds because of the amount of sensory input. Are you one? (sensoryintelligence.com)

The Benefits of Sensory Intelligence

This leads us to the next point, knowing one’s senses and sensory thresholds, means we have sensory intelligence. The benefits of sensory intelligence include: understanding yourself and others, getting more insight, being more self-aware, being more compassionate, being more resilient, and having more energy to manage your life. And last but not least, improving your relationships. (sensoryintelligence.com)

Happy parents equal happy children. We all know that our children are the happiest and calmest when we are our happiest and calmest as parents. Our children pick up on our moods and if we are stressed, tired, or unfocused, they can feel fidgety or become whiny. In contrast when we are present, energetic, and smiling they are likely to feel secure, more grounded, and of course, smile too.

Do you sometimes wish you could be a better parent?

However daily life and stress can leave us feeling tired, stressed, or exhausted. And we are left finding it difficult to be the parent that we’re striving to be. Covid has left many feeling anxious and not feeling like themselves consciously or unconsciously. Thus, are you looking for easy strategies to help in your life to improve the amount of quality time spent with your loved ones?

Parenting is a demanding job and takes lots of physical and emotional energy. Your physical and emotional health has limits and taking time out to look after your wellbeing and gaining insights into your unique way of responding to the environment and world around is important. When you have strategies and tips on how best to cope, you can be the best version of yourself that will benefit both you and your family.

Senseable Parent coaching  (Individual, Couples, and Families)

The Sensory Matrix™ Online assessment measures your genetic and inborn sensory thresholds, which determine how you navigate the world. You are unique in how you respond to the changes in the world, the environment, and the stressors around you. The 25-page science-based report will help you to understand how your sensory thresholds influence your focus, emotions, behaviour, and habits.  You will gain easy, effective, and simple solutions to cope best with your daily home- and work environment demands.

Book your Sensory Matrix™ Assessment and a 1-hour feedback coaching session for R750 per individual or R1100 per couple. Contact Bronwyn on 0833062527 or email bronwyn@playwhizz.co.za to book your spot.





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